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Ραδιουργίες και θανάτοι
ξέρω πως δημιουργήθηκαν αλλά και πάλι δεν ισχύει το λέει με κάποιο τρόπο και η Ντανυ

Quote:A rich woman came, whose husband and sons had died defending the city walls. During the sack she had fled to her brother in fear. When she returned, she found her house had been turned into a brothel. The whores had bedecked themselves in her jewels and clothes. She wanted her house back, and her jewels. “They can keep the clothes,” she allowed. Dany granted her the jewels but ruled the house was lost when she abandoned it.
Niemand ist eine größerer Feind als der seinem wohltäter gegenüber undankbare~Unknown.

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Ραδιουργίες και θανάτοι - by jonʹs spearwife - 10-05-2013, 08:07 PM

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