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Αγαπημένες Quotes
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Robb Stak, in aCoK , following the death of Martyn and Tion

Robb: Greatjon, keep Lord Karstark here till I return, and hang the other seven.
Greatjon: Even the dead ones?

Robb: Yes. I will not have such fouling my lord uncle’s rivers. Let them feed the crows.

One of the Captive: Mercy, sire. I killed no one, I only stood at the door to watch for guards.

Robb: Did you know what Lord Rickard intended? Did you see the knives drawn? Did you hear the shouts, the screams, the cries for mercy?

Captive: Aye, I did, but I took no part. I was only the watcher, I swear it...

Robb: Lord Umber, this one was only the watcher. Hang him last, so he may watch the others die.

[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]Επειδή μου αρέσουν πολλές τις χώρισα ανάλογα με για ποιον είναι και ποιος τις λέει. ΠΧ αν είναι κάποια για τον Tywin θα είναι μαζί με αυτές που έχει πει ο Tywin. επειδή είναι πολλά τα έβαλα σε spoiler tag και επίσης είναι στα αγγλικά.

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[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]Jaime:
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[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]SmallFolk said by Meribald & Varys.
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[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]Breakspear
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[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]Robert
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[color=gold][size=14pt][font=comic sans ms]Και 7 από το tPatQ και το woiaf
Baela; So it came to pass that when King Aegon II flew Sunfyre over Dragonmont's smoking peak and made his descent, expecting to make a triumphant entrance into a castle safely in the hands of his own men, with the queen's loyalists slain or captured, up to meet him rose Baela Targaryen, Prince Daemon's daughter by the Lady Laena, and fearless as her father.

Rhasenys; Beloved daughter of Lady Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen, faithful wife of Lord Corlys Velaryon, mother and grandmother, the Queen Who Never Was lived fearlessly, and died amidst blood and fire. She was fifty-five years old.

Agnes Blackwood; I have other sons. Raventree shall endure long after you and yours are cast down and destroyed. Your line shall end in blood and fire.[...]I would sooner have your sword inside me than your c**k.

Meria Martell; "Your words. Ours are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. You may burn us, my lady...but you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. This is Dorne. You are not wanted here. Return at your peril."

Daemon: Over the centuries, House Targaryen has produced both great men and monsters. Prince Daemon was both.

"You were a fool to come alone.”
“Were I not alone, you would not have come,” said Daemon.
“Yet you are, and here I am. You have lived too long, nuncle.”
“On that much we agree,” Daemon replied.

"An eye for an eye, a son for a son," Prince Daemon wrote. "Lucerys shall be avenged".
Niemand ist eine größerer Feind als der seinem wohltäter gegenüber undankbare~Unknown.
@ robb stark of the north

συμφωνώ με την επιλογή σου. Πρόκειται για μια από τις αγαπημένες μου σκηνές όσον αφορά το Robb, που καταδεικνύει το σταθερό προσανατολισμό του ως μονάρχη.

Επειδή η αγαπημένη μου ηρωίδα στα βιβλία είναι η Sansa, θα παραθέσω μερικά quotes από εκείνη:

"My skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel." - κυρίως για τη λυρικότητά του.

"The Hound is right ... I am only a little bird, repeating the words they taught me." - ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό, γιατί σηματοδοτεί την εξέλιξη της Sansa από ένα αφελές παιδί σε ένα από τα πιο παρατηρητικά πρόσωπα στα βιβλία.

They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They’ve never seen a battle, they’ve never seen a man die, they know nothing. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her fathers head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them.” - νομίζω ότι αποτελεί συμπλήρωμα του παραπάνω, γιατί δίνει έμφαση στον έμφυτο ρομαντισμό της Sansa και δείχνει τη σημασία του για εκείνη στις δύσκολες στιγμές.

"Harrenhal has withered every hand to touch it." - Littlefinger
"Then give it to Lord Frey." - Sansa (ακόμη κι ως Alayne, στοχεία της πραγματικής της ταυτότητας ανακύπτουν και φανερώνουν τις επιθυμίες της.)

Έπειτα μεγάλη αγάπη και συγκίνηση για το Theon, έναν άνθρωπο που ό,τι έκανε το έκανε μόνο για την αποδοχή και την αγάπη, πράγματα που του στέρησαν σε πολύ νεαρή ηλικία, και τελικά τα έχασε οριστικά με το χειρότερο τρόπο.

Quote:Robb, who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy’s loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him


Theon found himself wondering if he should say a prayer. Will the old gods hear me if I do? They were not his gods, had never been his gods. He was ironborn, a son of Pyke, his god was the Drowned God of the islands … but Winterfell was long leagues from the sea. It had been a lifetime since any god had heard him. He did not know who he was, or what he was, why he was still alive, why he had ever been born.

“Theon,” a voice seemed to whisper. His head snapped up. “Who said that?” All he could see were the trees and the fog that covered them. The voice had been as faint as rustling leaves, as cold as hate. A god’s voice, or a ghost’s. How many died the day that he took Winterfell? How many more the day he lost it? The day that Theon Greyjoy died, to be reborn as Reek. Reek, Reek, it rhymes with shriek.

Ο Jaime διακρίνεται για το χιούμορ του, αλλά το παρακάτω quote το βρίσκω πολύ θλιβερό.

"That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead."

Για περισσότερα από το Jaime, παραπέμπω στην υπογραφή μου.  Wink
"Most have been forgotten. Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best. The best and the worst. And a few who were a bit of both. Like him."

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